PFAC RULES (9 March 2022)
The Club shall be called the Peak Forest Angling Club and shall consist of a number of full members, plus a number of associate members (generally between the ages of 18 and 25). The numbers of full and associate members shall be set to maintain the Club economically and provide pleasure for the members. The numbers of members shall be determined by the members at the Annual General Meeting and is currently 45 full and 5 associate members.
Full members shall be entitled to vote at Annual and Extraordinary General Meetings. Associate members shall not be entitled to vote at Meetings.
Members shall be elected by the Committee from the waiting list, such list to be maintained by the Secretary and approved at the AGM.
An Annual General Meeting shall be held each year in March. The Club shall be managed, for the benefit of the members, by the Committee. An Extraordinary General Meeting may be held at any time that the Committee shall determine. Further, the Committee shall call an EGM upon the requisition in writing of any 5 full members for a purpose stated in the requisition and, upon receipt of such a requisition, unless they determine the purpose to be frivolous, the Committee shall call the meeting within 40 days of the receipt of the requisition by the Secretary.
The officers of the Club shall be a President, Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer, to be elected at the Annual General Meeting. The officers of the Club shall also be Trustees of the Club. The General Committee of the Club shall comprise the officers together with two General Committee Members from among the Membership. All property of the Club (except cash, which will be under control of the Treasurer) including leases and fishing leases shall be vested in the Trustees to be dealt with by them as the Committee shall direct, from time to time, by resolution. The officers of the Club, or any member of the Committee so authorized by the Committee, shall not incur any personal liability for any duties properly carried out on behalf of the Club and any officer so acting shall be entitled to be indemnified from Club assets.
The Committee to deal with matters arising. A quorum of three shall be necessary at committee meetings and when necessary, the Chairman shall have the casting vote.
The subscription shall be fixed at the Annual General Meeting of the Club. Subscriptions shall be paid in full by the 1 April each year. Any member who has not paid by this date will cease to be a member and their place will be offered to someone on the waiting list.
Members intending to resign from the Club must offer notice in writing to the Secretary before the 31st December so that their place may be filled before the start of the new season.
All members and visitors must hold a valid Environment Agency licence and observe all its terms and conditions except where additional limitations are applied by the Club.
Beats are defined on the current Beat maps. Seasons are as follow, subject to the over-riding Environment Agency regulations and bye laws:
Trout-18 March to 7 October
Grayling – 16 June to 14 March
Outside of the trout season, fishing for grayling on Beats 1 to 3 only. -
All fish under 30 cms / 12 inches should be carefully returned to the river. Members and their guests may not kill any rainbow trout or grayling. PFAC encourage Catch and Release as outlined by the Wild Trout Trust and this is mandatory on beats 4 - 12. In any one day, a member or guest shall not kill more than two brown trout and then on Beats 1, 2, and 3 only. A full member shall not kill more than ten brown trout during each season. An associate member shall not kill more than five brown trout during each season.
Fly fishing only is permitted at all times, using up to two flies or nymphs, tied upon hooks not exceeding No 12 in size, except during the mayfly season when a size 10 imitation may be used. No lure shall be used at any time. Barbless or de-barbed hooks and knotless nets must be used. The River Keeper has instructions to ensure all members and their guests comply strictly with this rule and to report any breaches of it to the Secretary.
All members and their Guests should book in using the Electronic Booking System. Only vacant beats may be booked. Any angler (member or guest) must disinfect their boots, waders, landing net and fly line before fishing any beat by using the biosecurity disinfectant spraying stations (located at the hut at Lumbley Pool) before commencing fishing, unless these items have been thoroughly dried out and unused for a period of not less than three weeks since last fishing. In any one day a member and guest shall fish no more than 2 beats. If fishing more than one beat in a day, ensure that the Upper River (Beats 4 – 12) is fished before the Lower River (Beats 1 – 3) or disinfect waders and nets in between beats.
Each full member shall be entitled to three visitor tickets and seven rod shares per season. Rod shares are to be utilized to encourage non-fishers, novices and under 25s to take up the sport.
Members and their guests must: respect the wishes of the landowners whilst on their property; only approach or leave the river by pre-agreed routes of access; remain within the river or within the un-cropped boundaries of the banks; respect any necessary temporary limitations of access; not alarm, or interfere with, the well-being of any stock or wildlife encountered; not bring dogs or non-fishing friends onto the land; not use the landowner's property for a picnic site or light any fires; not leave the river in close proximity to the landowner's homes after dark; not cast in proximity to overhead electricity cables, poles and pylons; be liable for their own health and safety and, as far as possible, that of others; take appropriate action to minimize the possibility of introduction of any animal or plant life from other waters by disinfecting waders and nets prior to fishing.
Trout generally spawn from October to January and grayling generally spawn in April and May. Members must make every effort to not disturb redds and to not catch fish out of season.
Members have a duty to protect the interests of the Club and its fishing. Instances of pollution or illegal fishing which require an urgent response should be reported to the Environment Agency on their Emergency Hotline immediately. The number is 0800 80 70 60 and is on Environment Agency fishing licenses. In addition, suspected pollution, illegal fishing or behaviour likely to damage the Club’s interests should be reported to a member of the Committee or Riverkeeper.
Any member found to be in breach of these rules or in any other way behaving so as to offend against the interests of the Club or its members shall be liable, if the committee so determine, to expulsion from the Club with immediate effect. Save that any member so expelled may within 7 days of being notified of such decision, request the Committee to reconsider its decision and to take into account such information as the member may wish, the decision of the Committee in such circumstances will be binding and final.
All members should report any disputes with landowners or others to the Committee.
The Club’s major assets (fishing rights and land) may only be sold or disposed of if at an Extraordinary General Meeting all full members voting (whether in person at the meeting, or by proxy, or by post) agree with the sale or disposal. All members not able to attend the meeting are to be given the right to vote by post, provided that their vote is received by the Secretary before the commencement of the meeting.